Welcome to this 1st Blog of My Happy Femily
When I was asked to write the first blog, I felt it as an honour but also as a responsibility, because whatever I write, it will set a tone. What should one write in this first blog?
Who are the founders of My Happy Femily?
I think you would like to know a bit more of how we came to My Happy Femily, but first, who are we?
We are a group of people who would be called elders if we had lived in an indigenous tribe. We come from different backgrounds and worked in different areas from industrial business to carpenters and bakers, to health care, being a parent, cleaning lady, education system, IT, tourism, banking & insurances. Most of us went through great successes and failures. We did all the things ‘normal’ people would do in their lives. Some of us had jobs, ran worldwide businesses, earned huge amounts of money, had hobbies, raised our families, received world awards, traveled to exotic places, just had fun with family and friends, drove fast cars and eat fancy food in the best restaurants all over the world. In short, we did most of the things people did or dream about. Then all of a sudden it looked like as if the world has turned against us, from being an authority and well respected some of us lost within a couple of days our good names and worldly possessions. Others lost their loved ones in a long sickbed of cancer. Most of us went through extreme experiences.
And because of this, we started to ask questions about what is going on in this world. In this process of awakening we were considered ‘difficult’ and in time we lost contact almost with all our friends and family. In this isolation and away from everything we were used to, we had to start literally all over again, but this time we had ‘real life experiences’ and some wisdom to assist us in our process of recovery. A few of us had to start all over from scratch. With almost no money, no friends or other people to help us out, we went through an intense period of rediscovering what life is actually about and what is of true value and meaning. Sometimes the process was painful; sometimes we came to great insights and had a lot of fun. It was falling and standing up to come to our current insights and perspectives on alternative lifestyles that can meet the same or even higher standards of ease and comfort as modern Man is used to, but coming from different values and motives than the world we came from.
Out of this process, My Happy Femily was born.
Why My Happy Femily?
Of course, you can find a lot about this on the website. We also made an introduction Video, which we do recommend listening to.
The founders went through such intense life-changing experiences that they came to far-reaching insights, of how to live a life that is fulfilling and produces hardly any waste or pollution but does benefit all life, including oneself.
This does not mean that they know the answers or know the solutions. They are still in the middle of their journey themselves. What is on offer is My Happy Femily platform, as an assistance to all who are seeking satisfying different approaches to life. For this, we need ideas, knowledge, out of the box thinking motivated people who are willing to contribute, and some resources to manifest what we aim for. One of the resources is money and for this reason we promote happy products to get funds for projects that serve humanity and this planet, but don’t score high primarily on profitability on the short-term, but score high on creating value for Man, society and the environment and therefore score high on the long-term, and because of that offers a prosperous future.
The importance of members and this blog:
To develop and grow My Happy Femily, we need your involvement.
We need motivated people who are willing to contribute- and to invest their time and money, to co-create a happier reality together where we wholeheartedly can say YES to. This blog is part of creating this new reality and is the beginning of our communication with each other. To share our wisdom, insights, joyful struggles, ideas and to promote and encourage each other and more. And out of this communication, we hope that groups will form itself that share the same interest and want to combine their energies to create something that is worth manifesting.
For this reason, there will be a public and ‘for members only’ part on the website. Everybody is free to choose what kind of involvement fits best. To be a member means that you want to involve yourself more, than someone who only wants to be informed.
What is so unique about My Happy Femily; as a member whatever you invest in terms of time and/or money, you actually invest in Yourself, Others and our Future! In this manor, we create together value for Man, society and the environment.
Are you inspired to receive our newsletter? Then we invite you to connect. We are looking forward to welcoming you.
And the future?
How this all will evolve is as much a secret for you as for us. This adventure is something that we develop and create together. The people who run the practical side of My Happy Femily are all volunteers, so have patience with them, when things don’t go as fast or as smooth as you wished for. If you have something to contribute, to share or to donate, please let us know. There is always space for self-motivated inspired members.
My Happy Femily is an unknown exploration and we feel a huge promise and unlimited possibilities. Sharing is caring.
To add up this initiative one could say:
My Happy Femily is about ‘to boldly go were Mankind has never gone before. Engage.’
On behalf of My Happy Femily
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